Landlords and tenants will want to keep a keen eye HomeLet's Rental Index figures which have just been released.
The key headlines are:
- Rents in London increased by 4.5% in April this year compared to April 2017; the average monthly rent in the capital now stands at £1,588 a month
- When London is excluded, the average UK rental value was £761 in April 2018, this is 0.9% on last year
- HomeLet’s April Rental Index reveals that rents rose in 9 of the 12 UK regions covered in the research
You can take a look at their full report, giving details of average rents by region, here.
I Am The Agent offer great rental packages for landlords. We advertise properties nationwide and add new listings daily. If you're looking for a new pad get searching here, and remember at I Am the Agent, the UK's first online proptech estate agent, we do not charge tenant fees.
Happy house hunting from the IATA Team.